Like reading and sharing what you’ve read? Calling this a cyber book chat shows my age. Not sure if the terms have changed since the last time I checked.
I like Historical Fiction. Stories about an actual event in history that become the scene for a characters life. Even better if it is a mystery about the identity of an actual person in history which makes it a possible bibliography of sorts. Of course being a fiction it can be taken as events in this persons life that are filled in to become the chain of events that made this person famous. Even better if this person’s life is relatively unknown in literature until s/he has become famous.
Last summer was my summer of the English King Henry and his wives. No less than 300 pages each of the lives of these people who were considered born to lead. The love of this type of life and the women of their King husbands hasn’t changed much in the minds and egos of the present Kings of their castles with their children before them. Except for I would say there is way more fidelity and responsibility for these Kings to teach their children about the waring fields and consider becoming the ruler of the baseball Kingdom as well.
I have yet to go to the empires of the Romans and Greeks although I have had some history on an evil vs a good Caesar due to preparing for a trip to Italy. We have heard the biblical stories of Samson and Delilah and David and Bathsheba which could also be linked to the modern day soap operas. I am studying the Old testament a few days a month for a while thanks to the wonderful Sister Eileen. I would consider this to be the earliest beginnings of History reading and go no further. What does the Clan of the Cave bears have to support the historical accuracy of a time before a person could communicate. I guess I will have to consult an archaeologist on that one.